That's Saying Something

Well, for starters, thank you so much for all the kind birthday wishes for Jeanne’s 70th birthday last Friday. She had a lovely day…except I ended up with a terrible case of the flu last week and she covered me at Nifong on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Good times. So, I feel like I haven’t really seen her or celebrated her properly because we were keeping me home from PJP.

We are pretty back to normal this week, so here’s what is going on:

  1. I’m trying to get caught up because I almost never miss three days at PJP, so I’m behind on my to-do list. I posted September Epic Pie Tasting today and this will likely be one of last of the year, so don’t delay in purchasing tickets if you are interested.

  2. We’ve also been working for quite a while on a fun new program called Pies With Benefits. Jason takes all the credit on developing this and Ellery takes all the credit on the marketing, but the perks are extensive…including $8 added to your PJP loyalty account each month to be spent on any purchase. We are sending out more information next week, but if you want a sneak peek, you can read more here. We’ve had some trial members in for a few months and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.

  3. There’s a heavily wooded field behind Nifong which has slowly become a haven for all sorts of dubious activities. Last week, the entire field was bulldozed down in just a single day. (I didn’t even know you could cut down and remove trees that quickly.) At any rate, it looks very different - and feels significantly safer - behind the store now. That site has been listed for sale for years, so I feel like someone who franchises a mattress store is going to eye it now in this pristine state and jump on the opportunity.

  4. Oh, remember the TikTok that Ellery did of Jeanne to Genie In A Bottle? It’s at 800,00 views. We’ve decided if she reaches one million views, we will film it but in reverse when she has to get up from the floor and back out of the cup. (And if you have no idea what I’m talking about, you can watch it on our Instagram page: @peggyjeanspies. Send it to 200,000 of your friends.)

  5. And finally, we opened in our Nifong location four years ago tomorrow. I had a very big thing about not wanting open on Friday the 13th because I’m superstitious but Jeanne loved that it turned out that way. That move was one of the bravest - and smartest - things we’ve ever done. And considering we’ve done a lot of crazy things, that’s saying something.