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Today, the landlord’s landscapers showed up with a new tree for the front of PJP Nifong. I feel strongly they dug it up from some other location and delivered it root ball and all and replanted it where they removed a tree earlier this week. I’m looking forward to the $14,814 common area maintenance charge coming our way in January.

Here’s all the things I forgot to mention earlier this week:

  1. Our back door at PJP Nifong is broken and it takes herculean strength to shut it. I’ll literally use duct tape and gorilla glue to keep it closed before I pay to replace a door on a building we don’t own. Follow me for more construction tips.

  2. Yesterday I participated in a panel discussion at Mizzou Law about the alternative uses of a legal education. My co-panelist said he walked out of the Missouri Bar Exam all those years ago and thought “I totally aced that”. I actually laughed out loud because THE AUDACITY. I guess I didn’t know people were full of enough bravado to assume they passed a terrifyingly difficult exam with no second thoughts. Follow me for more self-esteem tips.

  3. And then today I while I was replaying yesterday’s conversation in my head, I burned my finger so badly that I saw stars. Without question, it’s the worst PJP injury I’ve ever encountered and it resulted from microwaving brown sugar. Follow me for more baking tips.

  4. We have just a bit over 800 Thanksgiving orders as of yesterday. That’s about 40 less than this point last year, so I’ll be certain to lay awake and worry about that. Follow me for more anxiety management tips.

  5. And on Halloween, Jeanne, Ellery, Jason, and Jessi and I dressed up as the cast from Steel Magnolias. As it turns out, baking in costume is highly overrated and so we changed pretty quickly after taking a group photo, disappointing a lot of later afternoon visitors to PJP who hoped to glimpse Jeanne in a cowboy hat as Ouiser Boudreaux. Follow me for more 1980s movie tips.